A Quiet Sprayer
One of our Customer Service Technicians recently received a phone call from a customer who needed a custom-built skid sprayer. Topping the list of requirements? The sprayer couldn't make a lot of noise. The customer explained that he had always used gas engine-driven sprayers. It had always been a good fit for his spray application needs. However, he recently was awarded a new contract from a property management company. The new contract involved landscaping services for multiple condominium neighborhoods that were governed by Home Owner's Associations (HOA) Rules & Regulations.
HOA Rules
The HOA rules required all spraying be completed during the hours of 6:00 -8:00 a.m. on specific days of the week. Since our customer admitted that his gas engine sprayers are loud, he was concerned that the disturbance would wake tenants if used at 6:00 a.m.
Electric Sprayers: Quiet & Efficient
Our Customer Service Technician offered a solution: An Electric Sprayer. Electric Skid Sprayer
We designed a skid sprayer using a Hypro XL series roller pump powered by a 12V motor.
The pump head used is made for roundup and other corrosive chemicals, and also supplied enough flow and pressure to mimic his gas engine sprayers.